Friday, January 28, 2011


Payday is always a good day. Today is payday. Therefore, it must be a good day.

Such simple syllogistic logic belies the unease I feel. I remain tending towards hibernation; waking up this morning was difficult, even though I got to bed at a reasonable time last night. This morning, my stomach was a Perhaps it was sinus drainage, but still, it made the train ride in less than pleasant, despite the fact that I was able to get a seat after only four stops of standing (I rode in at the leading edge of rush hour--I am not often so lucky as to get a seat at all).

Now, I face a class of close to forty after having been off due to weather yesterday. I do not know how many will arrive--I have yet to have more than thirty appear at one time, and I do not expect quite that many today. But I would not be surprised to have that expectation thwarted, either.

"I" appears quite a bit, yes? The focus of the post is fairly evident therefore.

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