Monday, December 31, 2012


I know that I have been out for a while.  There are reasons, of course, but they are unimportant.

I did want to make a comment or three about this year now passing.  I have been exceptionally blessed in it; I was able to earn my doctorate at last, and I have done much to develop my career through conference work since.  I have maintained a job that does much to secure a good standard of living for my wife and me, and I am not at all unappreciative of it.  Too, I remain surrounded by a number of excellent people, friends and family alike, and I am very much grateful for them.

Their number is somewhat reduced this year, however, and that is less pleasant.  I have noted the passing of Prof. Anderson already.  In the past weeks, I have also lost a key member of my family, my great uncle, Denny Hardy.  I may have more to say about the matter, but for now...I cannot speak more of it than I already have.

Even with the losses, though, I am a fortunate man, and I hope to expand upon that fortune in the year that dawns tomorrow.  And I hope that you do, too.

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