Wednesday, December 10, 2014


The headache is still present, although it has improved somewhat, likely because it is still morning and I slept in (as should be obvious).

My sleeping in has been increasingly common, despite my annoyance with it. I have found it harder and harder to wake when I really ought to, and that despite going to bed earlier than was my wont. Perhaps the fatigue of the term is catching up with me. Perhaps also my body is failing me--and there is other confirmation thereof. I am growing, and neither vertically nor stronger. I really should find more time to exercise, should make it, but when I cannot wake at a decent hour to do so and still attend to the things that need attention, such as my paying work and care for Ms. 8, I do not know how I will do so. It is not as if I can afford to turn down work, and it is not as if I can neglect my daughter, nor are such things to be expected. I understand better why so many in the United States find it so difficult to burn off the calories they take in, and I well understand why they take in so many: they taste good and are inexpensive in the short term.

Seriously, think about the cost of a fast-food hamburger, and then think of the cost of the materials to make a similar hamburger at home. Don't forget to factor in time spent acquiring and cooking the food, or that from cleaning up afterwards; the price of the fast-food burger does so.

I am hardly alone in bemoaning my body. While it is true that I carried a gut even when I was competing in judo, and I was pudgy even while getting ten or more hours of practice in aikido each week, I have been bloating in the last year and a half. I have had to go up a pants size, and I am poised (unhappily) to go up yet another. It is not a pleasant thing to think upon, particularly given the family from which I am descended, with its heart conditions and early deaths even for those who did work out regularly and well, and the other problems attendant on those who have survived so long as they have. But I suppose I have only myself and my laziness to blame, and I suppose that that laziness is the thing that requires vanquishing. As always.

Whatever else is true, I could still use a bit of help. While I am going to try to trim down so that I may not have to buy a new suit for the conference, and I am going to try to improve several parts of my physical health (the end of the term will open up some time for me to do so), my financial situation is still much as it has been--which is not as I would have it. The help would be greatly appreciated.

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