Monday, February 2, 2015


The Super Bowl is over. I did not watch it, as I have neither television service nor any interest in the sport. Today, I will have to hear about the results--briefly--and then things will move on. It pleases me, for I have better things to do.

One of them may or may not be to attend to Groundhog Day. It is, of course, entirely immaterial, but it is entertaining. And today, at least, is still winter; it is some 12 degrees Fahrenheit as I write this, and temperatures near Sherwood Cottage are not expected to get higher than the mid-30s. I am fortunately provided with warm clothes and ample personal insulation, though, so I do not much mind. I could stand to have warmer feet, though.

Work continues, of course. I pushed through a 4,500-word freelance piece yesterday, for which I expect to make around $100. (Indeed, news about payoff came in while I was writing this.) I look forward to having another come in soon. Too, my students are to submit memoranda to me today, so I will have some grading to do in the next day or two; I probably also ought to draft the next assignment sheet for them. So far, they have been quite good about getting to my office hours; I have already seen more this term than I saw throughout the previous. Having students who care about their grades in time to do something meaningful for them is a refreshing change from normal practice, and I could stand to see it happen more often than it has.

I have not been attending to research as I ought, unfortunately. The work of teaching and grading takes up much time, as does freelancing--and the allure of payout from the latter is compelling. I have also been spending time working on a number of job applications; I sent out three yesterday after finishing the freelance job, and I have at least one that I need to send out today. (I had meant to do it yesterday, but even I can only do so much.) And, in truth, I have been giving time to the L5R pbp game, which is near its end. There is a research survey I have meant to disseminate through it, but I have not put it together yet, and I am not sure at this point that I will be able to do so. I'll make the attempt, though, and get some useful work out of the endeavor.

I suppose, then, that I ought to be about my business. There is enough of it to command my full attention, certainly, even aside from the obligations I have to family. Ms. 8 nears being a year old, and preparations to celebrate that event are underway. She also did a fair impression of an alarm clock with a short-timed snooze button this morning; the alarm is off for the moment, but finding out what shorted her circuits is something the Mrs. and I ought to see about doing.

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