Friday, December 31, 2021


Here it is, at last: the end.
More than a decade after I started this webspace, I feel it's done what it needed to do for me--and, I hope, for at least a few who have read what I have written here and have followed along with the changes that have taken place. I've gone from occasional notes to more detailed commentaries to bits of poetry that are likely not even as good as I fancy--and that's not a high bar that I fail to clear it. It's been a decent enough thing for me, and I appreciate having had the opportunity--but it's time to shift over, to let it end, to focus my attentions more narrowly so that I can do better work and not be spread around quite so much as I have been.
Thank you, dear readers, for sticking with me. If it's the case that you've liked what I've shown you here, I hope you'll come over to, where I will continue to write. Admittedly, I think I've got a somewhat different voice there than I've had here, but I hope it's a better one.
And whether you do follow me or not, I hope the next year's better for you than this one!

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