Tuesday, January 6, 2015


I did go to the gym yesterday, as planned. There, I did some thirty minutes of strength-training exercises (probably incorrectly), focusing on my upper body. It was a good experience, and I felt good for most of the rest of the day. I have every intention of resuming once I am back from my trip, and I may actually avail myself of workout facilities in the hotel where I'll be staying. (It has not been a thing I have tended to do in the past.) Again, I want to set a good example for Ms. 8, and I want to continue to do so for a long time.

I will not be doing so today, however; I will not be back at the gym quite yet. Part of why is that my wife works today, and so I have to be home to make sure that Ms. 8 has what she needs. Another part is that I do have a bit of freelance writing to do, as well as work on my course materials to push through and job applications to complete. My current position is still a contingent one, after all. But most of it is because I am stiff and sore in ways I had forgotten I would be. I will see about getting in some aerobic work today, but I will not be handling weights.

As I noted, it has been some time since I last exercised regularly (and one day, no matter how solidly other days are intended to follow, does not make for regularity). When I did, though, I did so for quite some time. I was in judo for years as a graduate student, practicing regularly and intensely during that time (eight or more hours weekly in the last few terms). I was also enrolled at the New York Aikikai for years in New York City. The last months I was in The City, I was at the dojo five days a week (sometimes six), two hours a day. I was accustomed to the exertion (and to the strain put on joints purposefully), and while I would have a dull ache in my muscles as I went back to the dorm or to Bedfordside Garden, it was dull, and it was pleasantly warm.

That is not currently the case. My deltoids hurt; lifting my arms, either to the sides or in front of me, is substantially uncomfortable (which made this morning's shower interesting). I believe I may have overexerted myself at the gym yesterday, my enthusiasm at feeling myself strong again, if only for a moment, and working as I had worked before when I was in some kind of condition, overrode what little sense I have of such things (and, again, I probably did the exercises incorrectly, as I am not the right kind of doctor to know how to do them well). Today, therefore, I will let them rest as I can, and I will let them heal if they need healing (I think they do), and I will be a bit more...moderate in my attempts at working out when I do it again--soon.

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