Wednesday, January 28, 2015


In a little more than an hour, I will have a phone interview for a job. I confess to being somewhat nervous about it, despite having interviewed remotely several times before; there is always a bit of apprehension about being examined. Problems of technology happen, after all, and I may not be so good at this as I think I am. What I can do to calm myself and keep myself at ease, I do, and I am doing, but there is only so much that can be done--more's the pity.

Still, I do know what I am doing. I have done this before, after all, and more than once. Sometimes, I have even done so successfully; I do have a job, after all, even if I am looking for one that is more permanent (or more likely to be so; the tenure track is not quite so certain as all that). I am up on current best practices, both in my field and in hiring at large, and I am able through long practice to wax eloquent on a number of subjects likely to come up in both job interviews at large and with academics in particular. I ought to be fine.

This has been a good pep talk. Thanks.

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