Sunday, October 25, 2015


Just so people know who don't already but might actually care: The Mrs., Ms. 8, and I were nowhere near the incident that happened at the Oklahoma State University homecoming parade yesterday. So far as I know, nobody I know was involved in it, either. We are safe and in good health. And I, at least, think that those who want to help should do something other than take a knee and pray (at least those who have not already done so; I am given to understand that first response was swift and decisive, which is all to the good). Send money to help defray the medical and final expenses of those who were hurt and killed by the event. Pray if you want, but the money will be more helpful.

Anyway, on to other things--as though following news of a fatal incident that killed and maimed children is easily done:

Work continues, as ever it must. I spent most of yesterday grading papers; today will be spent similarly, and once I am done with the grading, I have a freelance order waiting for my attention. This is to the good, as Sherwood Cottage and those who live in it can use the money (as ever seems to be the case). Since I have yet to figure out how to be given money just for being who I am, I have to work for that money. But I suppose I am trash because I would like to be paid more for the work I do, perhaps enough that I do not have to spend every spare moment working the equivalent of a second (and sometimes third) job to ensure that my family has enough to eat and a roof over its collective head.

There is probably some other writing I ought to do, as well. While I have not got any conference papers on deck at the moment, there are larger works to which I ought to be attending; I need to be trying to push out articles and the long-overdue revision of my dissertation. There are a few other scholarly projects I ought to work on, as well, and the job search continues, if somewhat raggedly. The stack of job announcements on my desk has not exactly shrunk of late, and things are coming due all too soon. I suppose I have not been sufficiently diligent in getting that work done, either, and so I suppose I deserve what happens to me. That is the way it is, right, that all of what happens to a person derives from their deserving it? If things are not as they should be for any one person, it has to be because that person has not worked hard enough for it--all while others are sucking away at the vitality and earning potential of that person; is that not how the rhetoric runs?

I probably ought to get back on it. There is, after all, much for me to do today.

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