Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Ms. 8 weathered yesterday's flu shot well. When the nurse swabbed the injection site (there has got to be a better way to phrase that), Ms. 8 complained a bit at the cold. At the point of injection, she squalled a bit, her face first angry at the invasion, then in pain because of the prick, then scared because of the pressure; it was after the third that she worked to cling to me, running to Daddy to make the bad thing go away. But the crying was short-lived; she was soon her bubbly, babbling self again, and all was right with the world. (I think the walk to and from the doctor's office--Sherwood Cottage is less than a mile off from it--helped. The weather yesterday was quite nice, and it was good to be out in it for a bit. I need the exercise, to be sure, and Ms. 8 enjoys being out and about.)

Meanwhile, work continues. Because I ended up getting caught up in other things yesterday, I was not able to get as much done on the freelance piece as I would have liked. The job is due today, and I hate cutting things as close to the deadline as I am at this point. It makes for rushed work, which too often ends up being sloppy, and my professional pride rails against such things (even as it exults in being able to crank out so many words in so short a time as will have to happen today; there is something to be said for being able to do such a thing). I am fortunate that I have no grading to attend to at this point and no conference paper to rehash in advance of this weekend; I would not be able to juggle quite that much. Even I have limits, annoying as that truth is both in itself and in its particulars.

There is, in fact, some temptation to call in to my regular job today in favor of getting the other done. I am not going to do so--for one, I do not know how much more leave time I have accrued, so I am not sure I can afford to take the time off--but I am tempted. The pall that recent events have understandably left on the campus is distracting, as are the vulturine news crews. Some of my generally easy-to-get-along-with friends have railed against the latter, which I have found amusing--from a distance. I have had experience with the sudden rage of the mild-mannered, and while it is a thing of glory to behold from afar, it is far less pleasant at close quarters. (The same is true of many things, I am certain, but I have not the direct experience with them that I have with such anger.)

I suppose I shall have to do better with the use of my time. (It seems I am always making such a claim, and not only in this webspace.) And that means I had better get to work; I am awake, and there are tasks to be done.

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