Tuesday, January 1, 2019


It is, of course, the new year according to the dominant calendar in force on the planet at the moment. I doubt that the heavens themselves make much of it, and I know that other calendars are in use among smaller groups of people than the whole of them that reckon the days and months and years differently. But I know that where I am, when I am, this is accounted a holiday, and I am taking the day off from my regular job. So there is that much.
The turning of the year is often a time that promotes reflection. I am often reflective already, so it does not take an annual commemoration to provoke such responses from me. And I am wary of it, if not as much as I ought to be. I am too easily taken by nostalgia, and not to good places; I do not tend to look back on what I have done and who I have been with great gladness. But some few notes might bear making as I move ahead here.
I am pleased that, nearly 2100 posts into this blogspace, I have completed a year of daily blog entries. (It actually happened in October--18 October, in the event. From then on, I've had a blog entry post to this webspace every day. And, in a strange coincidence, that was the 30th anniversary of my maternal grandfather's death. I am sure some will make more of it than it is; the coincidence occurs to me because I track dates, is all.) But I have tried for some time to have a full calendar year of blogging; the closest I'd previously come was in 2014, when I missed only 11 days out of the year. 2018 finally saw me succeed, even if a great many of the posts were short things, lines of verse doled out in small packages. I am more proud of the hymns against the stupid god than I am of the limerick narrative; I had and have a clearer vision of what I want to do with the former than the latter, and I feel that I write better sonnets than limericks, as a rule.
I am not done with the hymns, though I am not publishing more of them in the short term. The stupid god has servants in plenty, and decrying their works and those of the power to which they are devoted could occupy a lifetime. But I have other things to occupy my time for a while, and the anger that informs so much of my hymnal work tells on me in ways that I no longer find desirable to maintain. At least for now; I am sure I will come back around to the idea of being deeply angry at things, and that I will spend time in effort in raging at them, though few will read my words and fewer still will heed them. Even among those closest to me, the former are not great in number, and the latter are yet less--and I cannot hope for more from further away.
Having succeeded in a goal, having seen that I can do a thing that I had set out to do, I find myself faced with two options. I can take a break, let myself relax a bit and not attend to this webspace so much as I have been. There are other projects to which I have turned my attention, to be sure; this and this are the primary examples, and I have more than enough in each to keep me busy for a long time, indeed. They are also not the only examples of other things I get to do--yes, get. Or I can press ahead and see how long I can keep this webspace posting daily. Having filled out one year, I can see about filling out two, for instance, or I can look yet further ahead.
At the moment, I do not know what I'll do. I'll figure it out, though, I'm sure. And, in the meantime, two things:
Happy New Year!
Thank you for reading!

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