Friday, January 11, 2019


I've not been getting the writing done I'd like to be doing these past days, as I think has been obvious. I had the recent lapse in my buffer--a second in too short a time, to be sure--and I do not think the quality of my work in this webspace has been all I would want it to be. I know what I've been setting up in the other webspace has not been the quality I would prefer, and my buffer in it is growing perilously thin, as well. Work on another project continues fitfully, as well, and if its publication cycle is longer, I really ought to be doing still better work in it than here, where I strive to have a post every day, or my more professional webspace, where I post two to three times each week (with occasional exceptions for special events and the like). If I have longer to work on it, I ought to be better with it, or so the thought goes.
The thing is, I don't have longer to work on it. Yes, there's more time between when I do the writing and when it goes public, but that does not mean I can afford to spend that time working on the writing or the rewriting and revising that I really ought to be doing. The work I do here, maintained for reasons I've discussed ad nauseam and beyond, and the work I do in the professional webspace, done for other reasons I've also explained at some length, take time, and the time I spend in attending to those writing tasks is time I cannot spend attending to the writing in larger, longer-term projects of any sort. Nor am I necessarily in a position to set aside the smaller tasks in favor of the larger, tempting as that is; indeed, it often seems that the only reason I get any work done on the bigger bits is because I take the time to work on the smaller, the small tasks reminding me of the larger that need attention.
I continue to have the feeling that, if I can but get two days to myself, I can get quite a bit done on the matter. I say two because I feel I need to take one to rest up a bit; those who know me know I work more days than I don't, whether at my day job or at one of the side-hustles I run or at some other task, and the strain of doing so adds up. Clearing it out would be welcome, and, cleared, I would be able to take a day simply to sit and work as I would like to do. But I know that such fantasies are not likely to come to pass; in the meantime, I will continue to do what I can to do the writing I can get done, and I will hope that the persistent practice will come to have some benefit that will make the whole worth having done.
As something of a side-note, this post is the 2100th in this webspace. It is nice to have the marker, even if the number is not so high as I think it ought to be for the time I've spent at work on this blog. But that's as it is.

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