Monday, February 14, 2011


I feel like a heel.

After (not immediately, but still...) my last post, an uncle, Boyd Elliott, passed away as a result of ALS, with which he was diagnosed at the end of October some years back. Funeral services were last Saturday, as attested by the various newspapers of central Iowa.

I will have more to say about this.

Edited to include the following:
Boyd Elliott passed away at 4:15 p.m., Central Standard Time, February 8, 2011. He was 49 years of age.

His visitation and funeral service attested to the regard in which he was held by the members of his family and the central Iowan community. He had served as a firefighter for a great many years, in addition to working in retail, and had been an active member of the congregation at St. Henry's Catholic Church in Marshalltown, Iowa. Several hundred people turned out to pay their last respects to him, including many from his and his wife Karen's families, members of the community, and representatives from the fire departments of Marshalltown and the surrounding area. A last call and firefighters' procession allowed the last to demonstrate their respect and affection for their departed comrade and aided Boyd's family in commending him to the long sleep from which it is promised that the faithful will wake in the fullness of time.

The world is lessened by his absence.

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