Saturday, September 13, 2014


Something about seeing the joy of others awakens grumpiness in me
Something about mass happiness bids me turn away from it in sullen annoyance
Retreating to my cave of home or office
Muttering about the inanity of it all

When asked about it
I rail
I am told that I should simply
Lighten up
Enjoy myself
Have fun
Be happy

Why I should be admonished for answering honestly an unsolicited question posed to me
I still do not know

Why I should have to enjoy mass celebrations
When I have work to do and a family to support
And the celebrations interfere with my ability to do so
I do not know

Why I should be expected to celebrate
Simply because other people are also celebrating
And about something in which I have no innate interest
And the exercises of which have tended to my abuse
And abuses perpetrated upon others for whom I have some regard
And which still do
And which perpetuate abuses of others
Not known to me personally
But by long and frequent report
I do not know

Why I would celebrate the existence of things which I oppose
And have opposed
Repeatedly and publicly
I do not know

I weary of the repetition
I am not about to lie
And say that I see joy in such things
As seem to my eyes
The work of idiots

I know that they will go on
I really wish people would leave me the fuck alone about them

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