Monday, February 1, 2016


The quadrennial Leap Month begins today, as does Black History Month. There are, in fact, several observances in it to which I must or should or want to attend. Valentine's is one; I am married, and I am in a relationship in the United States, so I feel no small amount of pressure to perform in a couple of weeks. I have an idea of what I will do, but I have not moved on it--certainly not enough to make any difference. The Mrs. and I are not likely to go out, given several other factors, but I will still do something for her to mark the day. And, no, it will not be something from which I derive direct benefit; I know what she wants because I have taken the radical step of asking her, and I will do all that I can to deliver.

Ms. 8 has her birthday this month, as well. I will doubtlessly be offering more on that story--again--as the date approaches. Her birth was kind of a big deal for all of us, after all, and even if I do not think she will make much of the day itself--I am not at all certain about her perception of passing time--it is worth the commemoration. The Mrs. has something of a party planned, and while I may not be the most comfortable with that particular arrangement, I know that it is not meant to please me. Ms. 8 will doubtlessly enjoy it greatly, which is the point of the thing; my curmudgeonly ass will endure much to see my daughter happy. That is as it ought to be, I think; I am certainly not doing it for my own enjoyment.

My late grandmother was born in February, too. It accounts for some of her regard for Ms. 8. ("Some" for reasons I will not go into here, but I ask you to trust that it is accurate.) What the family will do to remember her is not clear to me; if there are plans, I have not been included in them--which makes sense. I am not able to return to the Texas Hill Country at this time, and that is, fittingly, where any such thing would take place. I will be working, as well, and while I may do something small in my private hours, I doubt that she would have wanted any big fuss made about it. She would have said as much, certainly, or at least I recall her in such a way.

Amid it all, work continues. I got a fair bit done over the weekend leading into the beginning of the month, but I still have some to do. A write-up is perhaps a quarter done; I look to complete it today or, if I must, tomorrow; I hope for other work. Another project may have additional materials coming up for me; I am not certain about it, but I am again hopeful, as having the additional income will be welcome. The regular work of the classroom and in support of it will need doing, as well, and more papers are coming in from my students. I teach writing classes, after all, in addition to doing no small bit of it, myself. I remain busy, therefore, which helps; I will be able to do something to celebrate what needs to be celebrated this month.

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