Friday, April 19, 2019


As I have pared down parts of my LinkedIN feed, I have noticed a change in the amount of material that comes across it. Such makes sense, of course; I am following fewer things, reporting fewer interests on the platform, so it ought not to give me quite as much to deal with as it did previously. What surprises me, though, is how much less comes across my feed now than did before. Evidently, most of what I had on it was material not relevant to the work I do now, not relevant to the image of myself I want to present on that platform at this time. It is no wonder, then, that I did not get the kind of attention with it that I had hoped to get, attention that might have led (and might still lead, though I am not hopeful or even necessarily eager) to an offer of a different position that might better suit me.
I have to wonder how much other clutter bestrews my lives online. I know that some such detritus is an artifact of my having been online for quite some time; this is not the first blog I've had, to be sure, even as it is not the only one I currently have, and I used to operate more webpages than is currently the case for me. I am in many respects a different person now than I was then; I occupy more roles and different than I did. It makes sense that some of what I did then no longer applies, that maintaining it portrays me as other than I am in the present moment, even if who I am now is a consequence of who I was then and what I did while I was that person. That I recognize it does not mean I necessarily want to advertise it, though; as I have said in the past, I am not ashamed to defecate daily, but that does not mean I want an audience when I do so.
Perhaps I ought to go through my other media feeds and prune them in the ways I have worked and am still working to adjust my LinkedIN feed. I am perhaps less concerned about my presentation in other venues, as I am directing those at other audiences and for other purposes. That that is so, though, does not mean that those I would hope see my LinkedIN work will not see how I am in other places. (That some of what I write in other venues populates to the platform suggests that they are more likely to look elsewhere than not.) Then again, I also know that people are not always happy to click links, so perhaps things are safe that are not used to smack my readers in the face...such as what I write here, which I seldom reference elsewhere...

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