Thursday, January 13, 2011


Work has begun again for me. This semester ought to be a bit less demanding of me than last; I am not teaching quite as many classes, and enrollment seems low so far. I have no new preps, which is good; I can focus on refinement rather than having suddenly to master new material.

The shift back to a schedule that is externally imposed is a mixed blessing. Having to come in to work means that I actually get out of the house, which makes it more likely that I will do other things that I ought to do--such as go to the dojo (and I can feel having been absent from it for nearly a month, believe me). I also find myself back in quiet spaces with limited distractions, which is conducive to getting work done. And the commute offers reading time; there's not a whole lot else to do while alone on the train.

But work is still work is still work. I do enjoy this job, and I am far from opposed to the paycheck, but the loss of the freedom I enjoyed during the break grates. Also, since I teach mostly first-semester work, those students who are in my classes now are more likely to be those who have already failed at what my courses require (and in one case, at least, I know this for a fact, since the student was in my class last term); such students tend to be more resentful, and thus more resistant, and that helps nobody.

After last term, though, I have hope that things will be better.


  1. In boca al lupo! And don't forget to take your megaphone with you. ;)

  2. When you have the bull by the tail...
