Monday, August 11, 2014


Welcome to the college. May I take your order, please?
Why, yes. I'll have some of that and maybe one of these.
We're here to take your order, folks, and give you years of ease
Because we're just the help, you see, and here are your degrees.

We know we offer services that you can get online,
So we have to give you things to make it seem the time
You spend at school is not a waste, that it's not pantomime--
Except that in the seeming-making we serve in fact to prime

The students for sedation through fun and games and such.
It is unimportant that they do not learn too much
Of things outside the workplace, the humanistic touch,
So long as grades come freely and degrees come in a rush.

We give you what you wanted, or what you said you did.
We did not argue with you when instead of class, you hid
In bottles and in parties. We still just passed you, kid,
And now you've got the fine results of your own college bid.

We're here to make it easy, folks. We're here to make it fun.
We're here to educate the folks, but, really, only one
Of these can be the focus now. There's not enough to run
A program that addresses all for each and every one.

Still, welcome to the college. May I take your order, please?
We have a wide selection of a number of degrees.
The ones that have job prospects, well, you'll want to look at these,
For surely that's the biggest thing that anybody sees.

Working is the point of this, the main thing, after all.
You get the piece of paper and you, quick, get on the ball
Making money to repay the price for walking down the hall.
But you'll not need what we teach here. Just the paper's all.

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