Saturday, July 20, 2019


One took a small step
A giant leap
And the world watched as one
Though some still do not believe what they saw then
And others believe those who don't
No amount of forward motion
Carries all with it
Some remain behind
Some choose to do so
Others carried him
Bore him forward
To bear the rest of us along
And their names are no less worthy of song
Though they are not so often sung
Even that of a boy of ten
Can carry notes in a chord that yet echoes
And was sounded again
But not for long, now
And likely not again
Why would we expect them to be?
We're not like we were
In the "good old days"
We don't have the gumption to do it
Just as we don't have the gumption
To fight the fights of the generation before
That were supposed to be done and over with
No amount of forward motion
Carries all with it
Some remain behind
Some choose to do so
And some revel in looking back at the defeated
Those who actually deserved defeat
Those who reject the right conclusion
Because they claim it is ad baculum
And they are not wrong
Even though
Is not about them
It is instead about a thing done well
For once

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