Friday, February 6, 2015


The Mrs. continues to feel poorly, so much so that she came home form work a half-day early yesterday. That she does is compounded by Ms. 8 having had some trouble sleeping; our daughter neither took a nap of any substance nor slept peacefully through the night as she heretofore normally has. Couple that with trouble breathing due to clogged sinuses, and the Mrs. did not have a good night of it. It will make for an interesting day for her while I am at work today--and I more or less must be at work today, both at the school and at home (for I did not complete the freelance piece I had meant to get done, as Ms. 8 demanded more time and attention than normal, and her care takes precedence).

Today will see me at work again, yes; I have my classes to teach and a meeting to attend after the teaching day is done. And, yes, I need to crank out the freelance piece I have on the docket; I need the money it represents. So I had probably ought to get on that kind of thing, especially since I do not know where I am going to go with this bit of writing...

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