Wednesday, March 13, 2019


I've been working for some time now to ensure that posts to this webspace go up early in the morning (for me, of course; I know that my time zone is actually fairly late compared to others). Part of it is that I am a morning person, and, more often than not, I am awake as the post goes live. I am able to get it from here to other places easily, then, and before I get bogged down in the other things I do in a day. That the part of the world where I live is quiet when I do it also helps; I appreciate being able to focus on my own concerns before having to address those others have with which I am obliged to help. (I do not begrudge it, of course, but having the time to myself is nice.)
At the same time, I am also aware that online reading rewards immediacy, and there is a necessary delay between my posting and the willingness of others to read what I write. To take yesterday's post as but one example, in two hours, it had had only eleven views; it hardly went viral right off. Some of that, of course, is because such text-only posts as I make here do not do as well as posts with pictures and other embedded media; that's simply how the online environment works. But if I go back a week from yesterday, the post made then only attracted 22 views since its publication (as of this writing, of course). More folks looked at it than have yet looked at yesterday's, but I'd hardly call it a flood of interest, and I have to think it is because it has not been in front of people's eyes for them to read.
Some of the posts I have posted have done far better, though still not so much as I might like. A few of the posts I've made since the beginning of the year have view-counts in the hundreds; indeed, that at the beginning of the year has the most for the year as of this writing at just over 500 views. I am not sure what it is that makes them more popular; did I, I'd do it more, and on things that were a bit more effectively monetized than what I have here. But I don't, so I can't, and I'm not terribly well set up for it, in any event. So there's that.
It is admittedly the case that I am not writing in this webspace to garner acclaim or earn money. Again, I'd likely be doing different things with it were I doing so. But it is nice to have what I do recognized and acknowledged; it is conversely far less so to be so broadly ignored as seems to be the case. I thank and appreciate those readers I have, of course. I could stand, however, to be speaking to a larger group than it feels like I am.

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