Saturday, December 20, 2014


My parents are visiting from the Texas Hill Country. They are excited to see Ms. 8 in the flesh after some months; they see her on screen fairly often, but there is something different about being able to reach out and touch someone, something that no amount of screen time can replicate. The Mrs. and I are glad to have them up; we are always happy to have people fawn over our baby, whom one physician says is "perfect."

It is good to have independent confirmation of it from another sort of doctor entirely.

Work, oddly, does not continue at the moment. There are no freelance pieces on the docket, and since I am between terms, there are no lessons to plan and none of their leavings to clean up. I am somewhat out of sorts as a result, actually; I am accustomed to having more tasks to do in less time. I am glad, though, because I can attend to family, and I can attend to the other work, The Work, that there is for me to do.

I am going to spend the time with my people, then. I can always write more later.

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