Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Weather at Sherwood Cottage remains largely wet; there is still water standing in the side-yard. There was a sunny patch yesterday, though, and it was used to good effect. Some of what was in the garage was gotten out of the garage and either cleaned or disposed of, as the case needed to be, and the grill was brought back into service, if briefly. I was reminded of how much I enjoy grilling, and when the weather clears back up and I get the yard mowed at long last, I will be doing more of it. It makes sense to do so in the summer, anyway, as Robb Walsh has it, and summer is either approaching or upon us, depending on how it is reckoned.

That the summer is coming or here, however, does not mean that all is well. Ms. 8 is cutting teeth, and the experience is not treating her well. Nor is it treating her mother and I kindly, something with which many parents in our acquaintance can sympathize and about which others, parents to be, should be warned (as I do not think I was--or about the thundering flatulence, which is a different discussion entirely). Such supplies as are available to work against the condition do seem to work well when they are administered. Getting them administered, though, is not such an easy thing--not that I blame Ms. 8. I do not enjoy having others' hands in my mouth, and "grape" flavoring is badly misnamed...

To improve matters, I think one of the common occurrences for me is coming again. I have noted, I think, that I often find myself ill after a term ends. I relax a bit, and the problems that I had been putting off in favor of work rush in upon me. When the most recent term ended, I had the International Congress on Medieval Studies to attend, which was enjoyable but busy. But that is done, now, and I am settling into my summer routine. When I finally decided to stay awake this morning, after waking repeatedly for reasons already noted, I found my nose running and my head aching. Something in my sinuses disagrees with me, possibly as a result of mucking about in the garage yesterday, but I am concerned that it will progress beyond a simple allergic reaction.

I cannot afford to have it do so. Ms. 8 needs care and attention, which I cannot provide well if I am ill (and the Mrs. works a full day today, so that I must be the one to tend to the girl). In addition, I have another piece of freelance work on my docket (I read the novel yesterday and mean to write it up today), and that does not work nearly so well when I am ill as when I am not. And there are other pieces of work to do which will likely not get done even if I feel well; they have no hope when I feel less than is going to be a long day.

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