Friday, July 17, 2015


Matters are improved since yesterday. My hands and wrists are not so stiff and sore, and the swelling has subsided. I appreciate this, for even though a new freelance order has yet to come in, I have other work to which I must attend--including some I would have done yesterday had things been otherwise--and I need my hands to do so.

For one, I have final preparations to make for the summer bridge program I noted being hired to help teach. This involves a meeting with the grader who will be helping with all three sections of the English class being taught. (I am teaching one; colleagues known to me are teaching the other two.) It also involves me running by the program office to retrieve materials--and I probably ought to get a start on reviewing them, as well, since it helps to know what is being taught before it is being taught. And I likely ought to see about integrating some discussion of those materials into my own revised teaching-and-other-information-about-me website.

That website itself needs some more updating. Freelance work has taken up a fair bit of my time, as I think I have made known, and while I have put some effort towards the new website, there is more that I need to do--and not just with respect to my teaching. I probably ought to see about putting up comments about and examples of my writing on the site, and more than just the abstracts and annotations that already appear there. (I need to see about adding to the annotations, as well.) There are a few "creative" pieces I have floating about that could be usefully linked on the site, and I need to see about pushing yet more into print. And I could see about monetizing the website, as well, although I am not entirely certain how I would do so and what the implications of my doing so would be. (I could use the money, though.)

Generally, I need to be doing more writing. I know that I am able many days to write a piece of approximately 500 words (exclusive of footnotes and citations) for this webspace, and I have considered re-situating the posts I make here to the other website as a means to build its contents further. Some of my earlier thoughts on monetization still apply, however; not all of what I post here is necessarily appropriate for the purposes to which I would put the other website, although I still think they bear noting. (I am also reminded that some of my recent posts have not carried all of the labels they ought to carry. That is a different problem, however.) In any event, a "daily" 500-word piece is not enough; if I am going to continue to style myself a scholar and/or writer, I need to make more text than that. Freelancing helps with this, obviously, although what I write in that capacity does not carry my name as it goes out into the world. (There is a metaphor in there somewhere, I am certain.) It helps my bank balance, but it does not help my prestige, and that prestige needs enhancement if I am to land more secure employment than I have. (If you have job openings, I am happy to apply; please let me know.) Accordingly, I have more writing to do--and so I am glad my hands are better.

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