Monday, July 20, 2015


Because I seem to do such things...

Teaching begins again today.
Some students can no longer play
Their games for hours going away
Because teaching starts again today.

Students now will sit in rows.
In the back is best to doze,
Heads down on desks with eyes tight closed
Or heads thrown back and mouths wide Os.

And in the front is best to ply
For sympathy, to say "I try,
But work is hard to do, and by
The way, without an A, I'll cry."

Some, however, take the task
Presented them and do not ask
For pity, do not have to bask
In unearned glory's empty cask.

They want to learn, to understand.
Too few of them in any land
Appear and are taken in hand.
If I have them, it will be grand

And those with whom I start today
Are likely those not sold on play
But who instead seek out a way
To make things better. So I pray.

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